High-Priced Cosmetics in Rocket League are Causing Outrage Amongst Players
High-Priced Cosmetics in Rocket League are Causing Outrage Amongst Players
By Sean Carey, 09 Dec 2019

Rocket League's latest update removed blind loot boxes for a more transparent system and went live last week. However, players are not happy with the change, citing prices of around $15 to $20 for a cosmetic and Blueprints being far less rewarding than those of Loot Crates.
Psyonix and Epic ditched their loot crate and key system in favour of Blueprints and Credits. Instead of receiving a blind loot box, players can now see exactly what they are getting, and decide themselves if they want to buy the new premium currency, Credits to unlock a Blueprint. A new Item Shop has been introduced too, that sells retired items found in old crates and timed exclusive items, again for Credits.
Twitter and the game's official subreddit are full of posts from angry players demanding change. Professional Rocket League esports player G2 Rizzo said: "I tried to like it, this update ******* blows. $15 for white Zombas sure I'd allow it, $14 for regular Infiniums, just shove my wallet up my..." (We'll let you work out where that sentence went.)

Over on Steam a player by the name of Jyv who has played over 680 hours of the game left a review and said, "The new blueprint system is a complete rip-off. The prices are nowhere near the market price before the change. You used to spend 20 keys worth for 20 items if you open crates, now you use 20 key's worth to get one item from the shop."
The new premium currency costs about $1 for 100 Credits. However, the more Credits you buy in a bundle, the more of a discount you receive.
- 500 Credits - $4.99 USD
- 1100 Credits - $9.99 USD
- 3000 Credits - $24.99 USD
- 6500 Credits - $49.99 US
The problem that a lot of players are highlighting (besides how expensive everything is), is that most premium items are usually priced a few hundred credits more than the price of a bundle. For a 1200 Credit item, you would need to buy both the 1100 and 500 Credit bundles costing around $15.
Twitter, Steam and the Rocket League subreddit are filled with posts calling for change to the pricing system. However, Psyonix nor Epic Games are yet to address players' concerns.
In the meantime, the internet has been doing what it does best and has been creating memes, calling out Psyonix and Epic.
This game was featured in our Best Xbox One Sports Games Available in 2019 article. Why not check it out to see what else made the cut?
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Written by Sean Carey
Hey everyone! I'm Sean. I have been writing gaming content for various outlets over the past few years while studying a degree in Journalism. I grew up on everything PlayStation — mainly Metal Gear Solid, with a brief foray into the world of Xbox. Nowadays, you'll find me mainly playing multiplayer PC games, but with the recent addition of the Xbox Game Pass for PC, I'm looking forward to improving my TA Score.