Angry protesters storm French embassy in Lagos
by Lawal Sherifat
Some protesters stormed the French embassy in Lagos on Monday, accusing President Emmanuel Macron of support for terrorism.
The group of protesters, mainly war veterans, was led to the French consulate by civil society organisation, Africa Liberation Vanguard (ALV).
In a letter jointly signed by David Samuel, chairman of the group and Ayodeji Oladogun, publicity secretary, the ALV accused France of meddling in Nigeria’s affair.
The African Liberation Movement thus gave the French authorities a 21-day ultimatum to stop “undermining Nigeria”.
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Dear President Emmanuel Macron,
We are a group of war veterans of Nigerian origin but with a membership that cuts across all the 52 strong African countries. As a background, our association is devoted to promoting the interest of Africans against the vicissitudes and interest of some western powers in our affairs as a continent.
The Majority of our members have, in times past, fought to defend Africa against colonization, and it suffices to state that we were very successful in our endeavor.
We are gathered here at the French Embassy in Lagos to send a very important message to you as regards some areas of concern we have in the ongoing war against Boko Haram Terrorism in Nigeria and other African countries.
Dear President Macron, this is not a violent protest, and it is not in any way intended to cause bodily harm to anyone of French origin at the Embassy or in Nigeria. But this is a protest that is both psychological and emotional for us given our age and the realization that the support for the Boko Haram terrorist group is overwhelming and not in the best interest of Nigeria and Africa.
We wish to use this medium to intimate you that Nigerians and the rest of Africa are indeed aware of the covert. The African Liberation Vanguard is hugely at a loss and disappointed over the funding the activities of a terrorist group at the detriment of human lives, especially women and children that have been at the receiving end of the Boko Haram terrorist activities.
The hatred of France towards Nigeria is indeed legendary, and this explains why it has been doing everything untoward towards compromising our territorial integrity. We are consequently by this protest, warning France not to sell guns and military hardware to the Boko Haram terrorist group so they can continue to confront the Nigerian troops in battle.
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We wish to state that this is an affront to our sensibilities as a people and another attempt at colonization of Nigeria by France. This is not only appalling; it’s also of poor taste that would be resisted by every stretch of the imagination.
The French authorities must stop this deceit because they are the principal sponsors of terrorism in Africa to reduce Africa to French dependency for economic exploitation purposes.
This much we have seen in the violence been perpetrated by Boko Haram in Niger and Chad that has resulted in the deaths of unarmed civilians, and thanks to almighty France for supplying them with arms and ammunition.
The African Liberation Vanguard is by this protest saying enough is enough to France in this dubious business. France must, as a matter of urgency, discontinue the inglorious spread of terrorism on the African continent.
The African Liberation Movement is giving the French Authorities a 21 Day ultimatum to stop funding the nefarious activities of the Boko Haram terrorist group. And with immediate effect.
Dear President Macron, it is our considered opinion that a word is enough for the wise.