HINAPIA unveils official fan club name and signature color
by danisurst
HINAPIA has decided on a name and color for their fandom!
On December 9 KST, the girl group announced that the fan club's official name is 'UBY,' while their signature color is 'red dahlia.'
According to the announcement, 'UBY's meaning can be broken down into 'U' meaning 'utopia,' "a heaven-like place where only good things happen," and 'BY' meaning 'by your side.' "The fans are always by HINAPIA's side and always believe in them," the announcement further explains.
The official color of the group, 'red dahlia' - or Pantone 19-155 - is a color that holds a special meaning to the group: "Your love makes me more beautiful." Through UBY's love, HINAPIA believes they become more beautiful.
Check out the official announcement below!