Intertek Group (ITRK) – Analysts’ Recent Ratings Updates
by Jessica Moore
A number of research firms have changed their ratings and price targets for Intertek Group (LON: ITRK):
- 12/9/2019 – Intertek Group had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Deutsche Bank AG.
- 11/27/2019 – Intertek Group had its “neutral” rating reaffirmed by analysts at UBS Group AG.
- 11/27/2019 – Intertek Group had its price target raised by analysts at Jefferies Financial Group Inc from GBX 6,100 ($79.71) to GBX 6,300 ($82.32). They now have a “buy” rating on the stock.
- 11/27/2019 – Intertek Group had its “buy” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Deutsche Bank AG.
- 11/26/2019 – Intertek Group had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Shore Capital.
- 11/19/2019 – Intertek Group was upgraded by analysts at Jefferies Financial Group Inc to a “buy” rating. They now have a GBX 6,100 ($79.71) price target on the stock, down previously from GBX 6,300 ($82.32).
- 11/13/2019 – Intertek Group was upgraded by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc to a “neutral” rating. They now have a GBX 5,200 ($67.95) price target on the stock, down previously from GBX 5,400 ($70.56).
- 11/8/2019 – Intertek Group was downgraded by analysts at HSBC Holdings plc to a “reduce” rating. They now have a GBX 4,500 ($58.80) price target on the stock, down previously from GBX 4,650 ($60.76).
LON:ITRK traded down GBX 44 ($0.57) during mid-day trading on Monday, reaching GBX 5,424 ($70.87). 235,507 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 450,024. The company has a 50 day simple moving average of GBX 5,308.96 and a 200-day simple moving average of GBX 5,417.64. The stock has a market capitalization of $8.74 billion and a P/E ratio of 30.28. The company has a quick ratio of 1.32, a current ratio of 1.35 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 141.86. Intertek Group plc has a 1 year low of GBX 56.22 ($0.73) and a 1 year high of GBX 5,982 ($78.17).
Intertek Group plc provides quality and safety solutions to various industries worldwide. It operates in three segments: Products, Trade, and Resources. The Products segment offers assurance, testing, inspection, and certification services (ATIC), including laboratory safety, quality and performance testing, second-party supplier auditing, sustainability analysis, products assurance, vendor compliance, process performance analysis, facility plant and equipment verification, and third party certification.
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