‘Time to toughen up our laws’ - Motorists call for drink-drive limit to be cut across UK
by Colin AinscoughFour out of five Scottish drivers believe the rest of the UK should bring its drink-drive limit in line with that north of the border.
December 5 marks the fifth anniversary of the drink drive limit being lowered in Scotland and a new study has found overwhelming support for it, as well as a change in attitudes among many drivers.

READ MORE>>> Four in five motorists back calls to cut drink-drive limit to Scottish level
The Scottish limit was reduced on December 5, 2014 from 80mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood to 50mg/100ml.
The move left England, Wales and Northern Ireland with the highest drink drive limit in Europe, along with Malta.
We asked for your views and here are a selection of comments from our Facebook page:
"Drink drive limit should be zero. Get caught and you lose your licence permanently. Toughen up our laws and stop dilly dallying!"
Paul Walsh
"Zero levels, cuts out any confusion."
Mikey Gregg
"Drink drive limit should be zero, it should apply to all including members of the police force and everyone educated about how long it stays in your blood stream for."
Elaine Webb
"Zero tolerance."
Annette Capstick
"I don’t agree. Plenty of people go out for a meal and have a wine or a beer what’s the problem drink drivers will always be caught out eventually."
Lee McDermott
"The problem being that the drink driver has impaired abilities and reaction times and will end up killing an innocent motorist or pedestrian before they are ‘caught out’."
Geoff Naylor
"The problem is, we all react differently. If I had one glass of wine with a meal, I would feel quite drunk."
Rebecca Burton
"Scottish level? What’s that, 2ml of blood per 100ml of whiskey?"
Michael Anthony
"I agree. A number of years ago drove whilst under the influence, at the time I was too drunk to know what I was doing, however I received a two-year ban and a hefty fine, I was lucky, as I hadn’t affected any innocent people. My actions were disgusting drinking and driving, and anybody who does it should lose their license."
Jade Hammond
"Great comment , a lot of people would be too ashamed to be honest about their mistake , you’re the opposite. "
Mark Fenerty
"Don’t drink an drive there is absolutely no need to drive with any amount of alcohol in your system."
Chris Brotherton
"It can’t be zero as there are other sources besides a drink for alcohol to be in the system... Lowering the limit won’t affect the behaviors of those who blatantly disregard the current limits. Shocking driving standards in general are probably a bigger factor in accident rates than the amount of alcohol in offending drivers systems at or around the current limit."
Darren James