Google announces Assistant integration with Keep to-dos and lists, for the fifth time (Update: Rolling out)
by Corbin DavenportGoogle Assistant's ability to manage lists has been... less than ideal. When Assistant first went live in 2016, it could add items to a shopping list, which then appeared in Google Keep. That was a nice start, but then Google decided to move the shopping list to the Home app with integration for Google Express (now Google Shopping). At long last, Assistant is finally receiving first-class support for notes and lists... maybe. Fingers crossed.
Google first announced in mid-2018 that integration with Google Keep, Any.do, and other services was in the works for Assistant. Then a Google employee reaffirmed in October 2018 that the feature was still in development, and a blog post from the following month just said "soon." Google again said to-dos and list management was coming in a January blog post, but that section was later deleted. That makes this the fifth time Google has announced this functionality.
Google didn't limit the new list/note management feature to its own Keep app, either — it also works with Any.do, AnyList, and Bring. Just like with music and video services, you can add accounts and choose your default from the Google Assistant settings (Assistant settings > Services > Notes & Lists). Interestingly, support for Todoist was mentioned in previous announcements, but is now missing.
Here's hoping more services are added in the future, like Evernote and OneNote. This functionality should start rolling out today, so it might be a little while before you see it on your own devices.
Update 1: 2019/12/09 12:31pm UTC by Rita El Khoury
Google may actually keep its promise this time. Some users have started seeing the new Notes & Lists menu under Assistant settings > Services. It's a server-side rollout, though, so if you have it, you can set up synchronization with Keep or any of the other services. If you don't, you can join me in impatiently waiting for it. Thanks, Zachary Kew-Denniss!

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