Girl, 12, allegedly knocked unconscious outside school gates
Ordeal was filmed and circulated on Instagram
by Richard Mills, Andrew McQuarrieA schoolgirl was knocked unconscious and filmed as spiders were placed on her face, according to the 12-year-old's family.
Avon and Somerset police received a report of an altercation involving four pupils from the same school in the Newbridge area of Bath on September 24.
Bath Live has spoken to the family of a girl who was allegedly knocked out in the exchange and claim that the incident has "changed her life".
The girl's sister said: "My sister used to be so confident, talkative and outgoing and now she is so subdued. She is so shy and barely says four or five words to me."
Oldfield School said it contacted police about the incident, which happened outside school, before launching an investigation and handing out "appropriate sanctions" to those involved.
Police say two of the pupils will face no action due to insufficient evidence, said the police. A third suspect has been referred to force's Youth Offending Team.
But the victim's family has criticised the school and raised concerns about footage of the ordeal.
'My sister is quite clearly knocked out and slumps to the ground'
The girl's older brother said he watched three videos of the incident at a meeting with the school. The meeting was also attended by his sister and a teacher, he said.
"In the first video, my sister and one girl [who] began the fight stood across from each other. Both of them looked like they aren't really sure what was happening," the brother said.
"The other girl grabs my sister by the hair and after a small scuffle, my sister is dragged to the floor and the video ends.
"In the second video, they are both slightly further away from the original video's location and both upright.
"After a few exchanged blows, my sister is quite clearly knocked out and slumps to the ground.
"The other girl then looks at the camera laughing and smiling whilst she sits on top of my sister and starts swinging [at her] again.
"In the final video, my sister is unconscious on the floor and you see a hand come into shot with a spider in its fingertips.
"This hand then begins to rub over my sister's face and lips to 'check she isn't faking being knocked out'.
"Two of the three girls stay out of the way of the camera."
'The videographer should be punished'
The victim's mother described the videos as "sickening" and claimed her daughter had been failed by the school.
She said: "My daughter was utterly let down by the teachers and staff at Oldfield School in every way imaginable and still is.
"The school should have excluded those girls immediately and protected the victim, not the bullies.
"The police showed me the videos. They [the videos] are sickening. The videographer should be punished as well as the attackers."
Meanwhile, the victim's sister outlined the impact which the attack has had on her sister.
She said: "This has changed her life. I am very concerned about her mental health. This is all so upsetting."

What the police said
An Avon and Somerset police spokesman said: "We were made aware of an incident involving a group of female pupils from a school in the Newbridge area of Bath on September 24.
"There was an argument involving four girls, following social media postings.
"The victim was reportedly knocked unconscious in the incident in which three other girls (two aged 12 and one 14) were involved in the altercation.
"We subsequently interviewed the three suspects.
"In the case of two of the girls there is no further action as there is insufficient evidence to progress the matter further to obtain a successful prosecution.
"In the case of the other suspect, there is insufficient evidence to prosecute, there has been no complaint from the victim and the matter has been referred to the Youth Offending Team for a decision."
What the school said in response
A spokesman for the school said on Friday (December 6): "We were very concerned when we heard about this incident, and as soon as we were informed we launched an investigation and advised the girl’s family to contact the police.
"We also contacted the police ourselves to ensure it was reported.
"The incident took place after the end of the school day and off site; however, schools are able to apply their behaviour policies in these circumstances and in this case we felt that it was essential for us to do so in order to protect the girl in question.
"After a full and fair investigation, appropriate sanctions were applied against those involved in this matter.
"Bullying has no place in our school community, and we will always take firm action whenever allegations are made.
"We are sorry to hear that the family still has some concerns, and we have met with them to discuss the matter.
"The welfare of our students is our highest priority and we will take whatever action is necessary to ensure the school continues to be a happy and healthy community for everyone involved in it."
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