"I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sothoth" and other Cthulhuian Yuletide classics
by Gareth BranwynOh tidings of madness and woe. Gather 'round the Necronomicon, little cultists, and let's all sing these beloved holiday odes to Elder Gods. All the classics are here: "I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sothoth," "Freddy the Red-Brained Mi-Go," "All I Want for Solstice is my Sanity," and "Awake Ye Scary Old Ones." And who can ever forget that rubber-room holiday favorite "Away in a Madhouse?"
These songs were all created by members of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. You can hear more via this YouTube link.
[H/t Geeks Are Sexy]