Gimnasts end their year in spectacular fashion
Nelspruit Gymnastics Academy this weekend hosted their annual Rock & Roll dance competition, where it was obvious that coach Maré Putter takes pride in her students performing flawlessly and with precision.
by Landé WillemseEverything in gymnastics is about movement, precision and timing, and a combination of skill and freedom, both physically and mentally.

The level one to seven gymnasts also competed in their apparatus competition, of which those points were added to their dance points.

The dance competition was followed by the 2019 prize-giving where the hard-working gymnasts were rewarded for keeping it up under the strain of the year’s work.
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In the dance category, the gymnasts were divided into two groups. Group leaders Mieke Louw and Andeline Grobler acquitted themselves well at the task at hand, and right to the end it was a very close nail-biting performance from each group.

The judges had a very difficult time deciding on the group winner. However, there can only be one winner, and this was the Sassy But Classy group that walked away with the accolades. In the overall group in level two it was Cladine Emmenes who took the laurels.

In level three Carmen Venter was crowned the winner and in level four, first place went to Sienna Hoffman. Jasmin Muller, Isabel Prinsloo and Andeline Grobler won the levels five, six and seven respectively.

The male gymnasts competed on Thursday and performed a breathtaking group dance for their parents. Their results were as follows: level two was won by Ettienne Louw, level three by Pieter Prinsloo and level four by Bernard Calitz.