Woman tragically dies after going swimming off coast of Ballycastle, Co Antrim
Another lady pulled from the water is being treated for hypothermia
by Maurice FitzmauriceA woman has tragically died while swimming off the coast of Co Antrim this morning.
The tragic incident happened when the woman entered the sea at Ballycastle at around 8am, along with another swimmer.
Members of the emergency services, including the Coastguard Helicopter, Air Ambulance, police and the fire department, all rushed to the scene.

It is believed the other lady pulled from the water is being treated for hypothermia.
An Northern Ireland Ambulance Service spokesman said: “The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service received a 999 call at 08:28 on 9 December 2019 following reports of a number of swimmers in difficulty in Ballycastle.
“NIAS despatched 2 Emergency crews, 2 ambulance officers and a HART officer to the scene. The Charity Air Ambulance, with a HEMS team on board, was also tasked to the incident.
“Following assessment and initial treatment at the scene, one female patient was taken, by ambulance to Causeway Hospital.”
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