New team to tackle stalled public transport services in Khayelitsha | Cape Argus

Cape Town - The Khayelitsha Development Forum (KDF) has appointed its former chairperson Michael Benu to lead a task team to look into the state of public transport in Khayelitsha.
Residents of the area have been without trains for at least 35 days, and without MyCiTi buses for more than six months.
KDF chairperson Ndithini Tyhido said the task team would examine, among other things, the train services to the area; the impact on commuters of the impasse between the Congress of Democratic Taxi Associations (Codeta) and the City over the MyCiTi bus service; as well as issues of general safety on public transportation in the area.
“The task team’s mandate is to mobilise the community to fight and maintain reliable public transportation services in the area.
“They will engage with all three tiers of government and the other affected stakeholders,” he said.