To the Surprise of No One, PS5 Will Have Exclusive Games
Titles not playable on PS4
by Sammy BarkerWhen isn’t there a furore on gaming forums? There’s a lot of discussion at the moment regarding comments made by trusted Kotaku scribe Jason Schreier, who teased on a Split Screen podcast that the PlayStation 5 will have exclusive first-party games at launch. Surprising? Not really, but it sounds like Xbox will be following a different philosophy, with cross-gen titles playable on both Project Scarlett and the Xbox One family when it releases its own new box next year.
Talking about next-gen development, Schreier said that he believes most third-party titles are being developed with both the PS5 and PS4 in mind – as is often the case during a hardware transition. However, he added the following: “Some of the stuff I've heard about is PS5 only. I haven't heard anything about Xbox first-party games, but I'm sure their stuff is going to be on as much stuff [as possible]. Actually, they already said Halo: Infinite is going to be cross-gen, so Microsoft I'm sure will be much less about exclusives.”
Schreier reiterated the comments when asked to comment on social media:
Sony has been very clear in recent interviews that it still believes in generations, so there should be no surprise that it’s creating games exclusively for its new hardware. And that should be good news for anyone planning to purchase the system, as you can pretty much guarantee it’s going to be utilised to its fullest out of the box. As for what the games are, well, the expectation is that Bluepoint’s strongly speculated Demon’s Souls Remake is one, while there suddenly seems to be a ton of discourse revolving a new Ratchet & Clank from Insomniac. All should be revealed soon.
[via open.spotify.com, resetera.com, twitter.com, twitter.com]