Memory-Lane Monday: Sometimes these things just slip our minds
Flies, honey, vinegar.
by SharkyUser stomps up to the cubicle of this pilot fish tech who’s responsible for backups and snaps, “You need to restore my spreadsheet!”
“Normally,” says fish, “people start a conversation with hello, but I let that go."
Fish asks user where she stores the spreadsheet. “On my laptop.”
I’m sorry, fish tells her, but we don’t back up laptops. Anything important should be kept on a server.
“No, you don't understand,” user says. “I need that spreadsheet!”
Fish is about to lose his cool, so he tells uers to speak with his manager, sitting in the cube across the aisle.
At the manager’s cube, user humbly knocks. “Hi, Fred,” she says. “I need to get my spreadsheet back.”
Manager: Where do you keep it?
User: “It’s on my laptop.”
Manager: I’m sorry, but we don’t back up laptops. You should have kept it on a server.
Confesses fish: “I did not inform the user that she should check the trash can on her laptop.
“My manager didn’t, either.”
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