Peebles High School fire: Pupils return to classes after major blaze
by Ewan PatonHIGH SCHOOL pupils in Peebles have returned to class this morning after their secondary school was badly damaged in a fire.
Peebles High School went up in flames on Thursday, November 28 and will remain closed until after the new year after the huge blaze.

However, senior kids have resumed their timetable at fellow Borders' school Galashiels Academy.
Meanwhile, younger students will be taught at various locations around Peebles, including two primary schools and a number of community centres.
Fire crews raced to the scene at the end of last month after the high school burned.
A boy has been charged with allegedly starting a blaze at the school deliberately.

The school went up in flames at around 1pm, with pupils seen sprinting from the burning building.
Cops confirmed the boy, who can't be named for legal reasons, has been arrested and charged accused of wilful fire raising.
A second boy was also arrested but released pending further enquiries.
However, now that pupils have returned to the classroom, they can get on with exam preparation and portfolios before the Christmas holidays.
Council chiefs revealed that 'encouragingly high amounts' of students' work has been recovered from the fire.
This includes exam work, pupil notes, portfolios and artwork.
Tracey Logan, Scottish Borders Council chief executive, said: "As well as my staff teams who have worked tirelessly since last Thursday, the support we have had from across the Borders, and further afield, has been hugely encouraging and extremely welcome.
"I wish pupils, parents and staff all the very best for Monday.
"We have done our utmost to make the arrangements as effective as they can be, but it has been a complex operation and we would ask for everyone's cooperation and understanding as we put everything into practice for 1,300 pupils."