Things to consider to avoid falling for a car recall scam
If there is a genuine recall, a car manufacturer won’t collect your car themselves, as the liability and risks are too high.
by Content provided.King Price Insurance says there has been an “alarming” rise in the number of syndicates trying to scam consumers into handing over their car keys or personal info in recent months.
“Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated. By targeting dealership records, they often have detailed info about you, like when last you took your car for a service and even how many kilometres you drive per month. So they really sound slick and convincing when they call you,” said King Price’s Jacques Victor.
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According to King Price Insurance, this is what you can do to avoid being scammed:
• If someone calls you claiming that your car is subject to a recall, contact the manufacturer or nearest dealer immediately. In the case of a genuine recall, the manufacturer will send you formal communication that describes the process in detail, the steps to follow, and how to verify what is happening at every stage.
• Under no circumstances should you hand over your car to a third party. If there is a genuine recall, a car manufacturer won’t collect your car themselves, as the liability and risks are too high.
• Never give out your personal info, or make any kind of payment, to anyone claiming to be from a car dealership or manufacturer. End the call or delete the email, and call the nearest dealership or the police.
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