Call for import duty of fishing equipment to be abolished
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — A Dewan Negara member today proposed the that the import duty on fishing equipment, such as net, fishing line and engines, to be abolished to help ease the burden of traditional fishermen.
Senator Datuk Razali Idris said the price of most fishing equipment has increased by multiple folds due to the fall of Ringgit Malaysia compared with in neighbouring countries, especially Thailand, which produced most of the items.
“Various aid schemes to fishermen and farmers should be continued, besides ensuring that the aid reaches the target group and not embezzled by irresponsible parties,” he said when debating the Supply Bill 2020 in the Senate today.
The bill was tabled for the second reading by Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng earlier today.
Meanwhile, another member of the Senate, Senator First Admiral (Rtd) Mohamad Imran Abd Hamid proposed that the debts owed by Felda settlers to write-off by 50 per cent.
“If the government really wants to help the Felda settlers, write-off their debts by up to 50 per cent next year,” he said.
The Dewan Rakyat sitting continues tomorrow. — Bernama