Anarchists vandalise Alexander the Great and 1821 Greek War Hero
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Anarchists vandalised the newly erected statue of Alexander the Great and that of 1821 Greek War of Independence hero, Theodoros Kolokotronis in central Athens last night, in what has become a routine occurrence in the Greek capital for decades.
Statues of historical figures have been a favourite target of anti-establishment groups and this latest vandalism comes as no surprise.

The attack comes as a reaction to the recent Law and Order initiatives undertaken by the conservative Mitsotakis government which includes abolishing the university asylum which prevented police from entering university grounds. As a result of the long standing asylum many criminal and anti-establishment groups exploited it and created terrorist cells and drug labs on campus grounds. A recent investigation of the Economic University premises by police discovered hideouts and firebomb-making labs
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has also commenced a campaign to clean up the notorious Exarchia district in Athens, which has been an anarchist-dominated neighbourhood and remove squatters and anarchists who have taken over abandoned buildings.
*Photo courtesy of Anastasios Kaddas