from the hollywood's-hooks dept
Revolving Door Revolves Some More: Head Of Copyright Office Leaves To Join MPAA
by Mike MasnickFor many years we've been covering the rather disturbing revolving door between the US Copyright Office and Hollywood. This includes a bunch of copyright maximalists going back and forth between entertainment industry lobbying organizations and government positions. It seems to happen over and over and over again. Indeed, the former head of the Copyright Office, Maria Pallante, now leads the Association of American Publishers, where she's been advocating for ever more ridiculous copyright laws.
And, now we find out that the current head of the Copyright Office, Karyn Temple, a former RIAA VP, who only just became the official Copyright Register (after a few years of being the "interim" Copyright Register after Pallante was fired), has jumped ship to the MPAA. Because of course.
Karyn A. Temple, one of the world’s leading authorities on copyright, has been named Senior Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel at the Motion Picture Association, Chairman and CEO Charles Rivkin announced today.
Temple will join the association in January after serving more than eight years in the U.S. Copyright Office, most recently as the Register of Copyrights, where she fulfilled her statutory authority to administer U.S. copyright law and advise members of the U.S. Congress, federal courts, and executive branch agencies on issues of copyright law and policy.
This is all perfectly legal, but given some of the many questions people have raised over the years about why the Copyright Office frequently appears to be more an arm of Hollywood, rather than the American public (as is supposed to be the case), this move should raise a few more eyebrows. It won't, of course. This is just how things are done.
But even Hollywood folks should be concerned about this. For all the laughable claims it makes about how we need more "respect" for copyright, the one doing the most to undermine that respect is Hollywood itself, with such a blatant display of "soft corruption." No one actually believes the Copyright Office has any of the public's interests in mind, when the head of the office is simultaneously lining up her next job directly with Hollywood's biggest lobbyist.
No one respects copyright because Hollywood has made sure it deserves no respect.
Oh, and I guess it deserves mention that the reason the MPAA needed a General Counsel is because the last one got arrested on charges of blackmail and sexual assault.