Avengers: Endgame Script Reveals What Year Steve Rogers Reunited With Peggy
by Zachary KandellMovie awards season looms, and with it comes studio "For Your Consideration" campaigns, some of which pull back the curtains on the biggest productions of the year. In its push for a nomination for best adapted screenplay, Disney has released the script for Avengers: Endgame, which answers some lingering questions about the blockbuster. One is in which year a time-traveling Steve Rogers reunited with the love of his life, Peggy Carter.
While we see them together in the final scene of Endgame, we're not provided with much information, leaving fans to try and fill in the gaps.
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While the biggest mystery may be how Steve's decision to remain in the past squares with the Marvel Cinematic Universe's rules for time travel, there were several more questions about the logistics.: Just how old is Steve at the end of the film? To what year did Steve returns? There were clues, but the scene was originally written to be much more clear.
The direction in the script called for a title card explaining when and where Steve and Peggy were at the end.
A PACKARD rolls down a block of WASHINGTON D.C. ROW HOUSES.
That means it had been a while after World War II and Steve’s “death," as depicted in Captain America: The First Avenger. Peggy's tearful goodbye over the radio to Steve had been four years earlier. Even if she hadn’t fully let go, Peggy had to know the chance of him coming back was basically zero.
Then she answers the door, and he’s there. After years of believing he was dead, she’s in shock that he’s there, not even bothering to close the door before they begin to dance.
It’s a slight change from the script to the final product, just removing a title card, which doesn’t really change anything. Presumably, the editor and directors decided it wasn’t necessary to spell things out; it might distract from this emotional moment.

This also smooths out the question of Steve’s age. A page before, describing the scene in which he hands his shield to Sam Wilson, it says, “Steve looks at the river, 112 years of emotion in his face." That contradicts an interview in which Visual Effects Producer Jen Underdahl off-handedly mentions Steve is 106 years old when he returns to the movie's present. That caused some questions about the timeline, but the script smooths out the matter.
According to the tie-in comic Captain America: First Vengeance, Steve was born on July 4, 1918. He goes down in Red Skull’s plane in 1945, at age 27. He remains frozen until shortly before the Battle of New York in 2012. Endgame takes place primarily in 2023, meaning he would be 38 years old when he returns the Infinity Stones. Going to 1949 and living from then to 2023, another 74 years, puts him at 112 years old in that last scene. Turns out, they did the math.
So now we know. Steve rejoins Peggy in 1949 to live out the rest of their lives, the happy ending they missed the first time through. Time-travel rule issues aside, we have one more big question answered about the ending of Endgame. It might not be needed for the emotional payoff, but those of us who have to have answers for the mathematical questions can rest easier now.
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