More than 1,500 cubic yards of concrete slurry, delivered by 150 trucks, was poured overnight Friday for the foundation of a new entrance and exit ramp tower that will provide access to structured parking as part of the redevelopment of First National Center.
Demolition of the 1971 First National annex facing Broadway started in July 2018 and wrapped over the summer.
Developer Gary Brooks said the late-hour pour was scheduled to avoid traffic hassles and other inconveniences to downtown workers, visitors and residents as a result of the large line-up of trucks.
The new tower will connect to the 1957 annex facing Park Avenue that is being converted into parking. The first two floors will be rebuilt as a retail gallery.
All of this work is part of a $250 million redevelopment of the original Art Deco First National tower built in 1931 which is being converted into housing, retail and a hotel. Brooks said the garage will be the first part of the project to open with a date set for early 2021.
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150 cement trucks decended on downtown Oklahoma CIty overnight to pur the foundation for a ramp to a new parking garage for First National Center. [DAVE MORRIS/The Oklahoman]150 cement trucks decended on downtown Oklahoma CIty overnight to pur the foundation for a ramp to a new parking garage for First National Center. [DAVE MORRIS/The Oklahoman]First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.First National Center construction as 150 cement trucks pour concrete for a foundation for the ramp tower to parking garage. Image by Dave Morris.