Skechers' 'cool' value gives it room to run like Nike: Barron's
NEW YORK: Shoemaker Skechers USA is expected to post earnings growth on pace with Nike over the next three years, giving its relatively low valuation a chance of catching up, financial newspaper Barron's reported in its DecĀ 7 edition.
Analysts estimate Skechers' earnings-per-share will rise 15 per cent this year and in 2020, and 12 per cent in 2021. Yet Nike trades at about 30 times analysts' future earnings estimates, compared with 16 times for Sketchers, even after Skechers shares soared more than 75 per cent this year, the paper said.
Skechers sells trainers, dress shoes, sandals and boots - a broader range than Nike - and has grown over the past 20 years to become the third-largest global footwear brand by revenue, after Nike and Adidas, the paper said.
Skechers styles, often priced at US$50 to US$70, are perceived as "cool" and good value, an edge its bigger rivals lack, Barron's added.
"Nike and Adidas are reluctant to identify as value brands, giving Skechers room to run," Barron's said.