A guide to postal votes and proxy votes for the 2019 general election
by Telegraph ReportersThe 2019 general election campaign is in full swing, and polling day is drawing closer. The deadline to apply for postal votes and proxy votes has now passed.
So if you are already registered for either a postal or proxy vote in this year's general election, read on to make sure your vote gets counted.
What is a postal vote?
In England, Scotland and Wales, you can choose to vote by post if you cannot or do not wish to attend your polling station in person. Different arrangements for postal voting apply in Northern Ireland. See here for further details.
Can I still register for a postal vote?
No - the deadline in England, Scotland and Wales was 11.59pm on Nov 26. If you did not apply before this deadline, you won't be able to vote by post.
There’s a different form to apply to vote by post or proxy in Northern Ireland. The deadline to register for a postal vote in Northern Ireland was 21 Nov. You can still apply for a temporary postal or proxy vote on the grounds of unforeseen circumstances related to health - head here for more information.
When is the deadline to return my postal vote by?
If you have registered to vote by post, your postal vote must arrive at your Electoral Office in the UK by 10pm on Dec 12, the day of the election.
If you're unable to post your voting pack in time, you can take it to your local polling station on polling day by 10pm, or to your local Electoral Registration Office before they close.

What's the process?
Complete your ballot paper in secret, then put it in the envelope supplied and seal it tight.
You must also remember to fill in and sign the accompanying postal voting statement.
Put both items into the larger envelope and post it back to your local electoral registration office.
Can I return my postal vote from abroad?
Yes. A postal vote can be sent to your home address, or any other address you provide. You just need to remember to allow enough time for it to be returned so it arrives back by 10pm on polling day otherwise your vote won't be counted.
If you're posting your vote from overseas you'll need to pay for postage. Otherwise there's a Freepost envelope provided for returns within the UK.

What is a proxy vote?
If you’re unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote.
You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances, including:
- being away on polling day
- having a medical issue or disability
- not being able to vote in person because of work or military service
How to apply for a proxy vote
The deadline to apply for a proxy vote in this year's general election was 5pm on Dec 4. The deadline has now passed.
What about an emergency proxy vote?
If you have an emergency that means you cannot vote in person, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote. This must be something you were not aware of before Dec 4.
You can find more information about emergency proxy votes here.
Who can act as a proxy
You can ask anyone to act as your proxy - as long as they:
- are registered to vote
- are allowed to vote in the type of election taking place
- can vote in the polling station stated on your poll card
If they cannot get to your polling station, they will need to contact your local electoral registration office to arrange to cast their proxy vote by post.
Who should I vote for?
For a breakdown on what we know about each party's manifesto so far, head to our manifesto watch here.
Still unsure who to vote for? If you're thinking of voting tactically to get your preferred Brexit outcome, try our tactical voting guide to get our recommendation on whether voting tactically could actually affect your seat.