The first international week starts at Tomsk Polytechnic on Monday
TOMSK, Dec 9 – RIA Tomsk. The first international seminar (International Week’2019) with participation of universities’ representatives from Europe, Asia, the USA start on Monday at TPU; seminar will last a week, scientists and experts will hold open lectures for Tomsk citizens, the head of TPU international programs and grants department Svetlana Rybushkina told RIA Tomsk.
It was previously reported that the International Week is held in TPU for the first time. This is a seminar for representatives of foreign universities, organized for their acquaintance with higher education institutions of Tomsk and the Russian education system. Among the participants – there are representatives of universities from 11 countries (USA, Vietnam, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and others).
"From December 9 to December 11 within the framework of International Week'2019 and Tomsk International Science Program, representatives from universities of Europe, Asia and the USA hold open lectures and seminars for everyone. The language of lectures – is English", – Rybushkina said, adding that all lectures will be translated into Russian.
As it is noted on the TPU website, the International Week in Tomsk – is "a unique opportunity to connect Europe and Asia within the framework of cooperation between universities and countries to exchange experience and knowledge in joint lectures, seminars and master classes”.
Lectures for everyone
According to Rybushkina, on Monday, December 9, from 2.30 p.m. to 4.20 p.m., Professor Herman Kingma from Maastricht University (Maastricht University, Netherlands) will tell Tomsk citizens about the educationof the future. He will perform at the site of Tomsk State University (TSU), which also participates in International Week’2019. The lecture will be held in the main building of the university (Lenin Avenue, 36, lecture hall 229).
On Tuesday, December 10, Tomsk citizens will be able to attend a lecture on smart technologies in farming. It will be read by Cecilia Stanghellini from Wageningen University & Research (Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands). Time and place – 2:00-2.30 p.m., TPU building 16B (Timakova street, 12, lecture hall 233).
From 2:30 p.m. to 4.20 p.m. will be held a lecture by Professor Young Suk Lee from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, USA). The topic of his speech: "Modern personality-oriented methods of teaching mathematics". The venue is – TSU main building (Lenin Avenue, 36, lecture hall 229).
From 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the main building of TPU (Lenin Avenue, 30, lecture hall 209), Catherine Katsimirek from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Germany) will speak – she will present DAAD scholarship programs.
On Wednesday, December 11, at 10:30 a.m. a lecture entitled "Uniting science and industry: what is needed and what cannot be done for valorization” will begin in lecture hall 229 of the main building of TSU. It will be led by Professor Joseph Prikerts from Maastrich University (Maastrich University, Netherlands).
From 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. in the building №8 TPU (Usova street, lecture hall 323) Pedro Pereira from NOVA University (NOVA University, Portugal) will talk about smart meters to improve the quality of energy.