Just eight people turn up to get a free cash handout in Ilkeston
It was available to pensioners living in a certain area
by Rod MalcolmIt sounds too good to be true. But free money was on hand for OAPs living in parts of Ilkeston - if only they asked for it.
The £5 payout comes from the profits of a tote run by the Old Park Pensioners' Society.
It was available at the weekend (December 7/8) - perfect for Christmas.
A total of 180 people were expected to drop into the Welcome Hall in St John's Road, have a free cup of tea and leave with a fiver in an envelope.
But only eight turned up, and the rest of the money is now safely back in the bank.
President Ann Bagshaw, 79, said: "We had the money ready in envelopes and expected plenty of people.
"We had tea and biscuits but only eight people came, had a chat and left with their money.

"I know it is only £5 but it must be worth something. People only had to turn up.
"Once we used to lay on sandwiches and people would stop and talk for a long time, making a trip of it."
Three years ago, the group handed out £1,500, but once often distributed £5,000 annually.
The organisation owns the hall which runs bingo sessions, flower shows, keep fit classes and dance lessons.
Pensioners have to live near the hall to get the money. Organisers hope they will still get in touch for their fivers.
The society takes its name from the Old Park ward of Ilkeston Borough Council, an authority which was replaced by Erewash over 30 years ago.
To qualify, pensioners have to live in that area, which takes in the Larklands housing estate, Gallows Inn and Green Lane.