Dart text alert system receives 145 messages in three months
by By Digital Desk staffFireworks being set off on trains, passengers drinking and taking drugs, and people urinating on platforms are some of the issues raised with Dart security staff.
145 texts were sent over a three month period after the monitored alert system was introduced in August.
The system, which alerts security staff, was set up after an increase in anti-social behaviour on trains.
More than a third of passengers complained about anti-social behaviour involving groups of teenagers.
Barry Kenny from Irish Rail said it remains one of the biggest concerns for Dart users.
"This is reflected in the text alrets," said Mr Kenny.
"It isn't a situation where there is a violent situation but none the less in a confined space, we recognise how intimidating that can be.
"We are ensuring that our security personnel are addressing these issues as they are reported."
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