WATCH: SA struggling to keep calm in December as load shedding takes its toll | Cape Argus

Cape Town - South Africans have been struggling to keep up with all the constant changes in load shedding stages, with the result leaving some even having their power cut twice in one day.
On Monday, barely hours after announcing the continuation of Stage 2 load shedding, Eskom has confirmed that this will move to Stage 4 from 10am until 11pm.
The entity also said the probability of load shedding remained high for the week as a result of a shortage of capacity.
Earlier this year the Western Cape MEC for Finance and Economic Opportunities, David Maynier, revealed that load shedding cost the Western Cape economy R150 million per day.
Maynier said the Western Cape government had taken a number of actions to mitigate the impact of load shedding on the provincial economy and build energy resilience. Despite this, the cost remained high, particularly for manufacturing.