Did Watchmen Really Just Kill Off [SPOILER]?
by Ian CardonaWARNING: The following contains spoilers for Watchmen Episode 8, "A God Walks Into Abar," which premiered Sunday on HBO.
It's been a long week for Watchmen viewers, who had to wait a full seven days before the HBO series could pick up on the massive reveal that closed "An Almost Religious Awe." Fans were left shocked by the revelation that Angela Abar's husband Cal was secretly Doctor Manhattan, but due to a device embedded in his skull, had no memory of his true identity. It was only when Angela brutally removed it with a hammer that the omnipotent blue god returned.
Now, in "A God Walks Into Abar," the series reveals how Angela and Doctor Manhattan met and fell in love. But it's not all flashbacks. Once we know all we need about their love story, Watchmen brings us back to Cal and Angela's kitchen in present-day Tulsa, with the newly awakened Doctor Manhattan trying to come to grips with his return.
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However, the reunion between the two is cut short by the Seventh Kavalry, who blast Doctor Manhattan with a tachyonic cannon. The blow is excruciating, and Angela's reaction is enough to have us believe this is the end of the man she loves. But no, Doctor Manhattan isn't dead -- not yet, anyway.
The clues are actually planted in the episode, and in the previous one. In "A God Walks Into Abar," Manhattan warns Angela that their epic love story will end tragically in 10 years. When the Seventh Kavalry arrives at their house, he even explains this is where it all ends, and that Angela's willingness to fight for him, in this moment, is what makes him fall in love with her. There's a true sense of finality that leads us to believe Manhattan's end has come.

However, before fighting the group of white supremacists, Cal repeats something we've known since the previous episode: Yes, the Seventh Kavalry means to destroy Doctor Manhattan, but the group actually has plans for him first. In "An Almost Religious Awe," Laurie Blake is captured by the Seventh Kavalry and confronted by one of its leaders, Senator Keene. He explains the group intends to trap Doctor Manhattan in a specially-designed cage after using the teleportation technology seen in the series.
That brings us back to "A God Walks Into Abar," when Cal reveals to Angela the Seventh Kavalry is already here. It may be easy to miss, but he briefly explains that their tachyonic canon will teleport him before destroying him. Therefore, while it does at first appear as if Manhattan was obliterated by the cannon, it's likely he was teleported to the cage.
It's possible we've even gotten a glimpse of this in the trailer for the Season 1 finale, which shows a brief shot of Cal (in his Doctor Manhattan form) in some sort of white room. If he is now trapped by the Seventh Kavalry, then he's not dead yet. Better still, he just might be reunited with his previous girlfriend, Laurie Blake.
Manhattan may still be alive, but only for now. His warning to Angela still stands. He told her their relationship would end in tragedy... which means he isn't safe from the Kavalry just yet.
Developed by Damon Lindelof, HBO's Watchmen stars Jeremy Irons, Regina King, Don Johnson, Tim Blake Nelson, Jean Smart, Louis Gossett Jr., Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Tom Mison, James Wolk, Adelaide Clemens, Andrew Howard, Frances Fisher, Jacob Ming-Trent, Sara Vickers, Dylan Schombing, Lily Rose Smith and Adelynn Spoon. The series airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
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