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God Mode: New Game Allowing Users to Play as Jesus Christ Splits Netizens - Video
Sometimes games are really violent and depict dark magic, drawing criticism from religious people, but what if they literally allow you play God?
A new game, dubbed "I Am Jesus Christ", which lets you play as the Saviour, was announced on the Steam service, sparking controversy among believers. The trailer shows the first-person view of Christ miraculously healing a blind woman, creating fish from nothing, walking on water, and even features a scene of the crucifixion.
"Become Jesus Christ, the famous man on Earth - in this highly realistic simulation game. Pray like Him for getting superpower, perform famous miracles like Him from Bible like casting demons, healing and feeding people, resurrection and more in I Am Jesus Christ", the description says.
At the moment, no precise release date has been set.
While the developers offer users to "save the world as He did", the game has drawn negative comments as well. Some noted that this was a step too far and even called it "blasphemous".