Can you tell which rabbit doesn’t have a twin in this viral brainteaser?
by Talia Lakritz
- Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás creates mind-boggling brainteasers, often containing hidden objects or details.
- In his latest illustration, there are 12 pairs of rabbits with matching patterns and one who doesn’t have a twin.
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Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás creates mind-boggling brainteasers, often containing hidden objects or details, and challenges the internet to find them. In past drawings, he’s hidden a mouse among mushrooms, a penguin among toucans, and a heart among flowers.
He’s also released three books of brainteasers: one of holiday puzzles called “Bear’s Merry Book of Hidden Things,” a Halloween-themed book called “Bear’s Spooky Book of Hidden Things,” and his latest, “Bear’s Springtime Book of Hidden Things.”
In his latest illustration, Dudás drew 12 pairs of rabbits with matching patterns on their ears, faces, and bellies – but one rabbit doesn’t have a twin. Can you find the odd one out?
Take a look at the brainteaser below.

Did you find the rabbit without a twin?
It’s there somewhere.
Keep looking.
If you’re stuck, here’s a hint.
It’s in the fourth row down.
If you still don’t see it, the answer is below.
Last chance to turn back!
Here it is:

No other rabbit has a darker yellow pattern on both of its ears and around its nose.