Roll the credits: Has Gen Z abandoned the cinema?
by Teresa YovelaThe cinema business in Indonesia dates to the Dutch colonial era. The first movie theater in the country opened in 1900. It was run by Dutch proprietors in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta. Watching a movie was a luxury then; the price of a second class ticket was worth 10 kilograms of rice. Fast forward over a century and watching movies is a common hobby for many people. Cinemas vie for the public’s favor by offering seating options, the latest sound systems, better screens, innovative ticketing systems, snacks, drinks and even fancy toilets. However, streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ present alternatives to the cinema experience. They provide the ability to choose from countless films and the luxury to watch them essentially wherever and whenever for the price of less than two local cinema tickets. These platforms are undeniabl...

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