Scots guide dog puppies celebrate first birthday party before starting school
Taking a morning break from their specialist training seven of the group of nine pups enjoyed a birthday cake made specially for dogs.
by Nicholas Keyden, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/nicholas-keyden/A group of guide dog puppies came together to celebrate their first birthday at a special event in Edinburgh .
The puppies are part of the first ever fully- funded guide dog group, thanks to support from players of People's Postcode Lottery.
Over the last 12 months lottery players have raised £2,209,506 towards the training and care of these life-changing pups, as well as for other key projects at the charity.

Guide dog puppy party in pictures View gallery
Taking a morning break from their specialist training, seven of the group of nine pups attended the party, where they enjoyed a birthday cake made specially for dogs.
They also met People's Postcode Lottery staff for some well- deserved cuddles.
Turning one means the pups will soon enroll at their Guide Dogs training school, where they will receive their formal training before graduating as fully qualified guide dogs.