PMP supports early elections with some conditions also stipulated in Protocol with PNL
by Denisa MironThe People's Movement Party (PMP) supports early elections, but with a number of conditions, stipulated as a matter of fact in the Protocol signed with the National Liberal Party (PNL) before the Orban Government's investiture, Eugen Tomac, the leader of the party, announced in central Sinaia on Friday.
"The PMP supports the early elections, but with some essential conditions that we can solve tomorrow. In Parliament there is the law on reducing the number of parliamentarians to 300, it needs only one vote. It was adopted tacitly in the Senate, and the Romanians expect Parliament to have fewer and better MPs. It [the party] also believes that we have to respect what we promised the Romanians, namely the election of mayors in two rounds. I had a meeting with Prime Minister Orban yesterday (Thursday, ed. n.), and I told him that this objective is holy for the PMP. (...) The real reform in the local public administration can be carried out by going back to the election of mayors in two rounds. In Parliament it is our initiative that the Senate has adopted, there is still a need for a vote in the Chamber of Deputies. As we have found a consensus to take down the PSD [the Social Democratic Party], so we must find a consensus to give the chance for the best householders in our localities who can represent our interests to be elected at the local elections. With these conditions we support the early elections, otherwise it is just a sham," said Tomac, at the beginning of the National Council of the PMP.
According to him, Romania needs solid reforms "and the real political reform can start with achieving these two objectives".
"We can neither overlook the outrageous pensions of tens of thousands of lei, which some may deserve, but others do not. And for this we must have a correct system to calculate pensions and that is why we asked for special pensions to be eliminated and we condition our support for the implementation of these goals assumed by everyone, as I recall, but when we get to the vote we start to lose momentum. This will be the line of reasoning that we will support in the next period also established as a matter of fact in the Protocol signed with PNL before the investiture of the Orban Government," added Tomac.