LIC assistant prelims result declared: Check merit list, Mains date and exam pattern
LIC assistant prelims result 2019: Those who have cleared the exam will be called for Mains. LIC assistant Mains will be held on December 22. Over 8000 posts will be filled through this recruitment process.
by Careers DeskLIC assistant prelims result: The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) declared the result for the recruitment exam held for the post of assistant at its official website licinida.in. The exam was conducted on October 30 and 31.
Those who have cleared the exam will be called for Mains. LIC assistant Mains will be held on December 22. Over 8000 posts will be filled through this recruitment process.
LIC assistant prelims result: How to check
Step 1: Visit the official website, licindia.in
Step 2: Scroll towards the end of the homepage, click on ‘careers’ in the blue box
Step 3: Click on ‘recruitment of assistant’, a new page will open, click on ‘next’
Step 4: Another new page will open, click on the region you applied for under ‘preliminary result’ link
Step 5: A PDF will open, check result
LIC assistant: Main exam pattern
LIC Assistant Mains exam will be 200 marks objective-type test in which the number of shortlisted candidates will be as many as 20 times the vacancies available. It will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes.
LIC assistant: Salary
Finally selected candidates will get a basic salary of Rs 14,435 per month along with additional perks. The total emoluments will be approximately Rs 30,000.