Police officer receives Starbucks coffee cup with 'PIG' printed on label
TULSA, Oklahoma -- A quick trip to get coffee has left a police chief with a bad taste in his mouth.
An officer stopped by a Starbucks to grab five cups of coffee for his dispatchers working on Thanksgiving.
When the officer picked up the coffee, the cups had the word "Pig" printed on side of them.
After seeing that, the officer called his chief. The chief called the store and asked to speak to the manager who offered to reprint the cups if the officer brought them back.
This wasn't the apology the chief was looking for, so he took to social media where the photo went viral.
As for the chief, it seems his officers wont be stopping by the store again.
KTUL reached out to the Starbucks, and the manager on duty referred them to corporate and said the incident was being looked into.