Newsweek Jumps the Gun on What Trump Was Doing For Thanksgiving — Gets Egg on Its Face
by Julio RosasNewsweek ran a story asserting the commander-in-chief was spending the Thanksgiving holiday "tweeting, golfing and more" before it was revealed President Trump made an unannounced visit to U.S. military members in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving.
In a since corrected story, Newsweek's headline now reads, "HOW DID TRUMP SPEND THANKSGIVING? TWEETING, GOLFING—AND SURPRISING U.S. TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN" and has the following editor's note: "This story has been substantially updated and edited at 6:17 pm EST to reflect the president's surprise trip to Afghanistan."
The author of the article deleted her tweet and sent a correction, saying "it was written before knowing about the president’s surprise visit to Afghanistan-an honest mistake."
The story was widely mocked and skewered on social media. Trump even tweeted, "I thought Newsweek was out of business?"
During his visit, Trump met with Afghanistan President Ashrav Ghani, served Thanksgiving meals to troops, took pictures, and gave a speech to those gathered at Bagram Air Force Base.
"There’s nowhere I’d rather celebrate this Thanksgiving than right here with the toughest, strongest, best, and bravest warriors on the face of the Earth," Trump said.