Pursuing their dreams in digital arts
by Hidayah IskandarHe came to Singapore in 2013 to pursue his education and career in the culinary industry. Little did he know, he would end up in digital arts instead.
Now a creative designer at ATOM Marketing Consultancy, Mr Clement Chee, 25, said: “Ironically, it was my kitchen staff at my last job as a chef who made me realise this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.”
Despite only having his culinary background, Mr Chee, did not let that stop him from chasing his dreams to be a game designer.
Mr Chee, said: “I missed out a lot in terms of technical skills, so I took the initiative to take a lot of online courses to teach myself. It’s never too late to pursue your passion but you must work hard for it.”
The aspiring game designer also took part in the Ultimate Digital Arts and Technology Battle Arena 2019, held at SITEX exhibition which runs until Dec 1.
For the first time ever, East Asia Institute of Management (EASB) has committed $380,000 worth of study grants and scholarships to the winners of the competition.
Competing in the Digital Arts Champion category, if he wins, Mr Chee, hopes to use the grants and scholarships to take more courses to improve himself for the industry.
For the preliminary round, participants were instructed to digitally draw Singapore in a futuristic setting.
Mr Lee’s art work was inspired by Singapore’s Supertree Grove at Gardens By The Bay.
Another participant of the category is Senior Graphic and Media Specialist Mr Art Lim, 48.
Despite 30 years of experience under his belt, Mr Lim also plans to use the grants from EASB to take more courses and improve his skills.
Mr Lim said: “The ever-evolving industry always keeps you on your toes. Art is so different now with technology. In fact, I just took a class on Instagram-photography.”
The final round of the competition will be held on Nov 29 evening, where participants would have to create another digital poster, within the time limit, based on the theme given.
First time judge Karen Kong, will be amongst four judges on the panel critiquing the works from the Digital Arts Champion category.
The animation and games concept artist was a 3-D character modeller for Dreamworks’ animated TV series, Fast & Furious: Spy Racers, set to be released on Netflix next year.
She said: “Competitions like these are significant because it allows for local talent to be recognised.”
Executive Director of SingEx Exhibitions, James Boey said: “The finals will be part of the many activities planned at this year’s SITEX exhibition to promote inclusiveness (in the digital arts and technology industry).”