Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek With A Tweet On Thanksgiving For Predicting He’d Spend The Holiday On Twitter
November 29, 2019
Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek With A Tweet On Thanksgiving For Predicting He’d Spend The Holiday On Twitter
Donald Trump took issue with a Newsweek post that suggested that he would spend the holiday on Twitter, so he pointed out to his followers how wrong the news was by doing just what the news outlet said he’d do. On Thankgiving day, the president tweeted an image showing a screenshot of the Newsweek story juxtaposed against a series of images showing his surprise visit to see the troops stationed in Afghanistan, slamming the story as fake news.
The Twitter post was originally posted by Donald Trump Jr., according to The Hill, referencing a Newsweek article titled “How is Trump spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, golfing and more.” Trump Jr. called the story fake news, a familiar attack from Trump and his associates.
While Newsweek issued a correction after it was revealed that Trump made a surprise visit to the Middle East, the president inadvertently made Newsweek’s prediction partially come true when he took to social media to mock their forecast.
It wasn’t the only social media message that Trump posted on the Thanksgiving holiday. He also retweeted a video by Fox Nation hosts and conservative commentators Diamond and Silk discussing Black Voices for Trump. He also posted a video of himself in Afghanistan speaking to the troops, as well as re-posting videos from other Twitter users showing him with the troops.
Additionally, he posted several Thanksgiving well-wishes to the nation.
While the Newsweek story predicted that Trump would spend the day golfing, since the White House announced that he would be spending the day in Florida at his resort, the president surprised troops and Americans by making a brief appearance in the Middle East. He reportedly flew out Wednesday night for a 16-hour trip.
White House Press Secretary explained Trump’s decision to visit Afghanistan, saying that he and Melania Trump wanted to support the people making a sacrifice that has forced them to be away from their families during the holiday.
“It’s a dangerous area and he wants to support the troops,” she said. “He and Mrs. Trump recognize that there’s a lot of people far away from their families during the holidays and we thought it’d be a nice surprise. It’s truly about Thanksgiving and supporting the troops.”
The trip is the first that Trump has made to Afghanistan since taking office. He also used the opportunity to announce that the U.S. would be re-opening peace talks with the Taliban, suggesting that he believed they were interested in negotiating a cease-fire in the region.