OH MY. We've got our first look at the farmers looking for love on Farmer Wants A Wife 2020.
by Chelsea McLaughlin
Our farmers are doing it tough right now.
But… some, it seems, are dealing not only with the impact of climate change, bushfires and drought. They’re also really keen to find a wife.
And because now seems like the perfect time for city folk to pack up their things and move to the country, Seven Network are bringing back a reality show that encourages just that.
Farmer Wants A Wife is returning in 2020 after four years off air and we’ve just had our first look at the six farmers supposedly worth moving for.
Here’s what we know about them (and their dogs):
Alex, 28, Cunnamulla, QLD.

Self-described "energetic larrikin" Alex is a sheep and cattle farmer (he has cute dogs!) in the Queensland outback.
He wants to find a woman he has a lot in common with, so that means she'll need to be spontaneous and down for annual trips to Byron Bay for Splendour in the Grass.
Alex's favourite movie is Fight Club because, and I quote: "The plot is based around people being stuck in their boring mundane lives and jobs, looking for an excuse to break free and rebel from the constraints of society" and he finds that appealing. That's a lot.

Alex always says being a dad is the "number one thing" he wants out of life. He prides himself on his strong work ethic, so like, that means you might need to eat dinner alone. But he's also really loyal to his loved ones and likes an adventure.
Fun fact: Alex has a British passport. That's handy now, but as soon as Brexit happens...
Neil, 42, Crookwell, NSW.

Neil is a merino sheep farmer in NSW's Southern Tablelands with impeccable taste in movies. See his top 5 for reference:
- Dirty Dancing
- Love Actually
- The Princess Bride
- Yesterday
- Ocean’s Eleven
Neil's also a big fan of sporting and poker analogies, which makes sense because those are two of this main interests (he also likes politics and writing - we stan a multifaceted man).
He most values teamwork and honesty: "Being able to look at your teammates and know that your contribution is, at the very least, fair and at its best admirable. That counts most when your teammate is also your life partner," he says.

He knows how good love feels and he wants that again.
"Having lost hands that I thought were winners, I’ve learned to control my emotions, display little and learn lessons," he says. "My hope is to eventually win a really satisfying pot."
He is a single father of three kids aged 14-17 and isn't worried about whether his partner has or doesn't have children.
Fun fact: Neil makes an unforgettable lasagna, and that is exactly what we value most in life. He also looks good in highlighter green.
Sam, 27, Innisfail, QLD.

How good would a never ending supply of tropical fruit be? Sam has a tropical fruit farm so that is a thing that could happen.
Sam likes cars, camping and tractors so... I'm sure he's got quality banter.
Sam says the sort of woman he is looking for is "a woman with a big heart", and also what is really important to him in a relationship is "a woman with a big heart". Small-hearted women need not apply. They also need to love food.
He says he is caring, affectionate and honest with a sarcastic, dry sense of humour. Relatable.
It's very important we mention he's also Sicilian, which means ITALIAN FOOD, so Sam hands down has the best options for our stomachs, which is very important.
Fun fact: The Fast and The Furious movies are his favourites. Come to think of it, would we call that fact fun?
Jack, 27, Harrow, VIC.

Jack is a merino wool farmer in western Victoria, and guys, he really loves an adventure.
"I am energetic, fun and enthusiastic," he says. "I have a great love for life and above all, I love an adventure."
In fact, "I am adventurous" is the top thing he thinks makes he unique.
Jack likes the outdoors, travelling, exercise and... debating. That took a turn we weren't expecting.
He also says if you don't like dogs, that's not... ideal. Probably because:

He says he is most happy "when I’m with someone who is present with me so I can be a better person," so that means you might need to limit the amount of time you spend scrolling Instagram and ~pretend~ to be listening.
Fun fact: Jack loves to think and talk about the big questions. He's deep.
Nick, 44, Deviot, TAS.

That's very exciting, and Nick knows it.
"I bring a lot of wine to the relationship, that’s for sure. I also know where to find the best tacos. I’m very good at finding tacos. So yes, tacos and wine."
Bless this man.
He also prides himself on the fact he knows what mushrooms will and won't kill you, and he once protected his ex-girlfriend from a coyote who tried to attack her while we were watching a meteor shower on top of a mountain. He's seen some sh*t, man.
Nick has no kids but reckons the best time to have them is "exactly nine months after first meeting". We... think... he's joking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fun fact: Did we mention the wine? Oh, yeah. Nick also knows what mushrooms will and won't kill you.
Harry, 28, Goolgowi, NSW.

Harry is a grape, cotton and sheep farmer which is truly a weird combination.
His favourite movie is The Man From Snowy River, and we knew that was going to come up in at least one of these profiles.
Harry prides himself on being loyal, trusting and a great friend, plus he reckons he's respectful and willing to help anyone in their time of need.
He wants a woman who is easy going, loves a laugh and has "a passion for enjoying life, not just living it".

He says a campfire with chilled drinks, a roast dinner and "good music" (A bold claim, because he seems to be a big fan of Country tunes) is ready and waiting for the right woman. Hopefully he'll check fire ban communications first.
Fun fact: Harry's down to have kids, but doesn't "want to rush the fun part of trying first". Mmhm.
If any of these men tickle your fancy, you can apply here.
Farmer Wants A Wife will air in 2020.