How many sleeps until Christmas? The most festive ways to count down the days
Christmas is just around the corner and now that Halloween has passed, Thanksgiving has been celebrated across the pond and the shopping bonanza that is Black Friday is (almost) over, we can look forward to festive times ahead.
In the words of the Coca-Cola advert, ‘Holidays are coming, holidays are coming’ people!
For those yet to start their Christmas shopping, sort out their travel plans or dust off last year’s Christmas jumper, time will soon be of the essence.
December 1 is only days away, but how long does that leave us until Christmas is finally here?
How many sleeps until Christmas?
At the time of writing, there are currently 26 ‘sleeps’ until Christmas day, but with the seconds literally ticking away until the big day, there’s easier ways to monitor how long is left before time off work for turkey and treats galore, other than counting the days on your calendar.
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Twitter account @ChristmasCount will tweet daily reminders for your feed, should you need to feel the fear on your way to work about how many Christmas presents you haven’t yet bought and how little time you have left until Christmas Day.
The classic Christmas clock website, handily found at xmasclock.com, will show you a live update of how far away Christmas Day is to the second, 24 hours a day.
For those looking for even more stats relating to the time left before all the festivities commence, check out yourchristmascountdown.com.

As well as a timer counting down the seconds until Christmas, the website will tell you how many Monday’s left until Christmas, as well as other days of the week and weekends (currently it’s four) and also show the exact number of sleeps until Christmas too.
To have access to a Christmas countdown wherever you are – there’s also an app for that.
Christmas Countdown! is free and credits itself as the ‘Number 1 Christmas Countdown App’ with over 7,000 five star ratings from users.
See the weeks, days, seconds and ever heartbeats (not sure how they work that one out, but it’s meant to be fun so, go with it) until Christmas.

‘I check in on this app every day, I am never disappointed!’ wrote one happy reviewer. We’re sold.
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