Ordinary Zimbabweans say 'THE' Government rather than 'OUR'
by Tinashe Eric MuzamhindoZimbabwe is buffeted by lack of cohesion, it is buffeted by incapacitation, and it is buffeted by intra-party politics, indecisiveness and inconsistencies.
Political & Economic Indicators
1. The soldier who fired gunshots around State House
2. The woman who caused an ordeal around Munhumutapa
3. People running away from ED rallies during 2018 elections
4. MPs walking out of Parliament in defiance of ED
5. Mugabe's snub
Complexities have forced 99% of the population to label "the" Government, the regime, rather than our Government. The general consensus is that Mnangagwa's administration have failed and the conclusion is that it's now a failed state. A regime is described as authoritarian, and it is derived from a Latin word, regimen which means to rule. My comprehensive analysis is that there is a gap between the Government and the people. There is no citizen engagement, decisions are made out of emotions and there is no tolerance, passion and love, these are based on gossip, lies and deception. One of the key aspects which has led us to be where we are today is the concept of "arrogance" and "force".
Let's come close home. Let's analyze the phrase "Command Agriculture". Look at the word "Command", and how do you attract investors or development partners on the basis of "Command" or "force". For all these years when this facility was established, honestly you tell me we don't have technocrats in the Government who could easily tell that the brand for this exercise reflected hostility? How do you appeal to donors and potential investors with the command type of mentality? How do you define fairness, or can one negotiate when command is applied on any business model?
Success of any nation thrives on fairness, competence, best practice, good business model, sense of humour, soberness, level headed and high level of maturity, and the above mentioned factors feed into success matrix of any given economy.
How do you define Command type of Governance? Command narrative given birth to the following:
1. Looting
2. No negotiations
3. No fairness
4. No consultations
5. Don't look back
6. Lack of cohesion
7. Inconsistencies
8. No trust
9. No love
10. Arrogance
The bottom line is the gap between Government and its own citizens is created by lack of understanding the real situation on the ground. Demonstrations are a simple way of communicating to those who hold the instruments of power that we are grieved and frustrated. From the time Mnangagwa took over the reigns of power in Zimbabwe, barely have you seen people demonstrating peacefully, it is either the demos are disrupted, banned or there is violence. ED has never uttered a word concerning the state of our situation, and people are living from hand to mouth and life goes on like that. His silence may be concluded in three ways;
1. That's none of my business
2. Who cares?
3. He is detached
4. He doesn't have any solutions
5. Dare it and you will see?
It is so sad to see people hating their own Government. It is no longer "our" own Government, it is the Government. Is it necessary to have such kind of situation? Decisions can lead to such conclusions. Decisions can be based on frustration, anger, emotions and love. Do you have any feedback system in Zanu led administration? The question is do they really care about people? Or is it arrogance? Do they appreciate that they are living beings out there? Who cares?
Decision 1 - dismissing medical doctors plunging the whole country into serious crisis
Decision 2 - No National debt report
Decision 3 - banning demos
Decision 4 - Purchasing fuel & grain by - passing Parliament
Decision 5 - Grabbing of mines
Decision 6 - killing of civilians on August 1 (case closed)
Apparently there is a disconnection between Government and civilians and it's detrimental. With the growing frustration amongst citizens, a bad precedence is likely to be set when citizens are aggrieved.
Hameno ikoko
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo - Doctor of Philosophy Candidate (Women's University in Africa)
Email tinamuzala@gmail.com