East Kilbride Debenham's worker raises almost £200 for Kilbryde Hospice after his legs are waxed
Iain raised £200 getting waxed in front of his colleagues.
by Nicola Findlay, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/nicola-findlay/A shop worker had strips torn off him – all for a good cause.
Debenhams in East Kilbride raised nearly £200 for Kilbryde Hospice, based in the grounds of Hairmyres Hospital.
And one worker, Iain Robertson, really pulled out all the stops – braving a waxing in front of his colleagues.
There were also collections in store as well as raffles to help raise cash for the hospice.

Jackie Gowran, technical services advisor at the flagship store, told the News:“It went really well and we had a great day.
“Iain was a real sport doing the sponsored leg wax – and he didn’t even flinch, much to the disappoint of all the female staff!
“Folk from Kilbryde came along as well as their mascot and they were delighted with the donation.

“We also need to thank our customers who gave generously – they really supported us.”
Twice a year the store pick a local charity to raise funds for and also do things for other charities throughout the year.