Whitesands decision delay blasted by campaigners
A decision by Scottish ministers into the fate of the flood defence scheme is now expected in the New Year - despite reporters submitting their findings in September.
by Stephen Temlett, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/stephen-temlett/Scottish ministers have been accused of dragging their heels over a decision on the £25 million Whitesands flood defence scheme.
A public inquiry which looked at the controversial proposal was held in Dumfries a year ago but the outcome of deliberations on the project is not expected until January at least.
Reporters submitted their findings, which they completed in August, to Holyrood on September 13.
And the delay has led to claims that ministers are putting off making a decision until after the General Election.
Objector John Dowson, of the Save Our Sands group, said: “This has sat on the desks of Scottish ministers for two months.
“I think this is a deliberate manipulation by the Scottish Government to delay the decision until after the General Election.
“They are deliberately sitting on this and keeping the people of Dumfries in the dark. It’s a disgrace.”
He added: “We still take the view the majority of Dumfries opposes this design. And in times of austerity how can the council justify spending millions of pounds on something that has quite a lot of opposition?
“We would also ask the minister to come to Dumfries before making a town-changing decision like this.”
Council leader Elaine Murray is also mystified at the time being taken to reach a decision.
She said: “I don’t see why it has taken so long and I don’t think anyone can understand why it is taking so long.
“Further delays only add to the cost of the project if it was approved. There would need to be a recosting of the scheme.”
She added: “I don’t know if the General Election is behind causing a delay. I know the election will cause uncertainty for funding. However ministers could make a decision on the proposal but not the funding.”
A group of Dumfries residents who oppose the scheme this week wrote to The Standard hitting out at the length of time being taken (see page 12).
The letter states: “We believe this is an unreasonable delay, especially if the decision is clear one way or the other.
“Of course, the delay could mean there is to be further deliberation on the part of the responsible ministerial department, but, if that is the case, it should be clarified for all parties involved, not the least those who put not a little time and personal expense towards being represented at the inquiry.
“Although local politicians may be focussed on the Westminster elections, this should not impact on their role or the work of the Scottish Government, which should continue without delay.
“We believe it should now be possible to advance the decision so that all those who were represented at the inquiry know the outcome before the end of December.”
At the public inquiry at the Easterbrook Hall last year Reporter Dan Jackman told members it would be “months rather than weeks” before a decision would be made.
The council’s website said it expected a decision this summer.
Should the proposals be agreed, the council believes that 80 per cent of the funding would come from the Scottish Government’s flood protection scheme fund.
Dumfriesshire MSP Oliver Mundell said: “The delays to the publication of the final decision are frustrating and I know many of those who oppose the scheme are worried that time and money continue to be wasted on this unpopular and unworkable proposal.
“Let’s hope the Scottish Government recognises local views and rules the scheme out once and for all.”