Santa run will help Cayla's Fight in Willand
The Willand Rovers FC Santa Run is taking place on Saturday, December 8
by Lewis ClarkeSanta is getting ready to run around Willand to raise funds for Cayla’s Fight.
The Willand Rovers FC Santa Run is taking place on Saturday, December 8, from the clubhouse at 10:30 am.
Money raised will go towards helping Cayla Jones, 5, and her fight against neuroblastoma.
The route follows a course of 5km around Willand. There is a junior route of 1km. Each runner must wear Santa suits or festive hats. Juniors are allowed to take part on the senior course.
Entry is £5 for adults and £2.50 for juniors. A family pass is £12, including two adults and two juniors. Entry forms are available from Willand FC and their website.
Another event supporting Cayla’s Fight takes place on Saturday, December 14, when a pop-up play café will take place at Cullompton Community Centre.
The event will welcome Santa, a face painter, and the chance to paint your pottery.
The event runs from 11:30 am until 2:00 pm and is organised by Breast Buddies UK.
To find out more about Cayla’s story, visit facebook.com/caylajonesfight.