Boet Fighter klaps its way to mobile – on iOS right now, Android next week
by Geoffrey Tim
While I didn’t really like the execution so much, I really loved the idea behind the locally developed homage to old-school beat em ups, Boet Fighter. It’s funny, sometimes poignant and, to my surprise, actually has something to say. Released on Steam last month, the game’s available on that platform for the price of a cooldrink (provided that cooldrink is for a traffic officer).
Now, it’s available on mobile platforms, and the first level of the game is free, with the rest unlocking via in-app purchase. It’s a nice way to test the game out to see if it’s your kinda thing. One of my complaints about the game was that its actual gameplay was lacking, and that it would probably be more at home on a mobile device. Now it is. It’s available on iOS right now with the Android version coming next month. Said the developer on Facebook:
“Coming soon to both Apple and Android, boet! That’s raaght, charnas! At long last, whatever your mobaal devaace, BOET FIGHTER for MOBILE is about to klap it twaace, boet! Whether you’re a shaany daamond who can afford a fancy aahPhone, or a regular, common, garden variety Android peasant laak us, you charnas are all equal in our aahs. Which is whaah we’re launching aahPhone first, obviously!
BOET FIGHTER for aahPhone will be laav on the App Store from tomorrow – Thursday 28 November – and on the Google Play Store for Android next week Fraaday, December 06th.
The first level is FREE on both platforms. So you have no excuse not to klap it, and then tune all your charnas to urgently also klap it. After that, the full game (which you must definitely baah with actual money) is discounted to only R79! Saving Android users R20 off the recommended praace, and a whopping R18019,95 off the regular Apple praace! Bargains for days, boet!”
It’s already shot up the charts on Apple’s platform, which is quite nice. Here’s what I said about it in my review:
There’s an undeniable charm to Boet Fighter, with its peerless art and often biting pokes at South African stereotypes. Unfortunately, the joke wears thin, and its moral lesson has been better executed in other games. It’s also a bit of technical mess, and worst of all, just isn’t very much fun to play.
But hey, with it being free-to-start, you may as well pick it up and give it a chance.