Dayton traffic from the WHIO Traffic Center
by Breaking News StaffTraffic issues can be reported by calling our newsroom at (937) 259-2237 or tweeting @WHIOTraffic.
Traffic conditions are updated every 6 minutes on 1290 and 95.7 WHIO between 5 and 9 a.m. Monday through Friday.
Major Highway Incidents
- No incidents reported.
Surface Road Incidents
- Lakeview Avenue in Dayton is closed near the 1800 block as police investigate a shooting. The shooting was reported at 3:10 a.m.
- South Elm Street and King Richard Parkway in West Carrollton,a crash was reported around 5:25 a.m.
Ongoing Construction & Other Closures
Live look at highways on our traffic cameras here.
Latest traffic conditions are also available on our traffic map.
- SR 48 between North Village Drive and Brookmount Road, there will be daily lane closures Oct. 21–Dec. 6 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. One lane will remain open in each direction.
- Woodman Drive just south of Grice Lane in Kettering, there will be lane closures for either direction as Montgomery County Environmental Services replaces water lines on the west side of the bridge. Traffic will be maintained in either direction. The work will start Nov. 18 and will take about 4 weeks.
- US 35 east Ramp to I-75 south, there is a lane width restriction from Oct. 24–Oct. 15, 2020. One eastbound lane remains open on the ramp.
- I-75 south between I-70 and Wagner Ford Road, there will be nightly lane closures from Sept. 30–Dec. 1 between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. These will become double lane closures at 11 p.m. One southbound lane will remain open.
- Benchwood Road Ramp to I-75 south, there will be nightly ramp closures from Sept. 30–Dec. 1 between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. The official detour is Benchwood Road to I-75 north to US 40 to I-75 south.
- Stanley Avenue between Keowee Street and Webster Street, there will be nightly road closures Sept. 30– Dec. 1 between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. The official detour is: Stanley Avenue to I-75 north to Wagner Ford Road to I-75 south to Stanley Avenue.
- On U.S. 40 in Vandalia, crews have starting milling on National Road as a major resurfacing project began Sept. 18. Crews will resfurface National Road from Airport Access Road to Brown School Road before the end of the year. They will resurface Brown School Road to the Taylorsville Dam in the Spring. Allow extra time to get where you’re going as this project is underway. For more information, click here.
- The Schantz Avenue Bridge over South Dixie Highway in Kettering, BRIDGE CLOSURE beginning Monday, April 1, for complete replacement of the bridge and the retaining wall. The project is expected to take 7 to 8 months. Detour signs are posted along the road. Drivers are encouraged to use alternative routes during peak traffic hours to avoid possible delays
- On Washington Street in Dayton, between the U.S. 35 west exit and South Perry Street, a major reconstruction project will block parts of Washington Street into 2020. Phase one of the project blocks westbound traffic starting at South Jefferson Street. Traffic from the U.S. 35 West exit ramp will be diverted north onto South Jefferson Street toward downtown Dayton. Drivers can access South Main and South Ludlow streets from West Fifth Street.
- I-70 east between US 68 and SR 72, there will be nightly lane closures Dec. 2–6 between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. One eastbound lane will remain open.
- I-70 between US 68 and SR 72, there will be nightly lane closures Dec. 6–8 between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. One lane will remain open in each direction.
- I-70 between SR 72 and US 68, there will be a traffic pattern shift Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. – Dec. 10 at midnight. Traffic will be shifted on to the new westbound lanes of I-70. There may be lane closures and intermittent road closures during this time.
- On US 68 near I-70, there will be lane closures from Nov. 26, 2018–July 30, 2020. One 12-foot lane will remain open in each direction.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.
- On U.S. 35 at the Xenia bypass, between the C.R. 135 and U.S. 68 interchanges, lane restrictions will go into effect on Saturday, September 7 due to paving work. Throughout construction, a minimum of one lane will be open in each direction. The project is scheduled for completion in early fall.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.
- On U.S. 127 between U.S. 36 and SR 121, daily lane closures are scheduled from July 15 through Dec. 6. One lane will remain open in each direction.
- Kruckeberg Road between SR 121 and Jaysville St. Johns Road, the road will be closed July 15 - Dec. 6. The official detour is: SR 121 to Jaysville St. Johns Road.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.
- No current construction projects are scheduled by ODOT.