Breasts - Know 6 Strang Facts About Boobs | TheHealthSite.com
Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes and no two women have identical ones. Read on to know a few strange facts about them.
by Jahnavi SarmaBreasts come in all shapes and sizes. Big and small, round and perky, asymmetric and unusual. It is very normal. Men are attracted to them, but so are women. There are many myths and misconceptions attached to breasts. The origin of some are steeped in superstition while others do carry a grain of truth in them. But whatever be the case, nobody can deny the fact that breasts have been the objects of fascination for as long as one can remember.
Here, we have compiled a list of facts about breasts that may look like myths. But despite this, know that all these facts are authentic and very true.
Inequality prevails
Your breasts are not equal. According to experts, it is perfectly normal to have different sized breasts. There is nothing to be worried about. In fact, in most women, the left side is slightly larger than the right one.
Be careful of your sleep position
If you sleep on the same side very night, you may be spoiling the shape of your breasts. This becomes all the more true if you have the habit of sleeping on your stomach. This is irrespective of whether you are wearing a bra or not. The ideal solution is to sleep on your side and use pillows to support your breasts. And, we all know how comfortable it is to hug pillows while sleeping. This simple adjustment will keep your breasts in their prefect shape.
All changes are not cancerous
This is very true. If you notice any lumps or changes in your breasts, don’t panic. First figure out if the change is permanent or not. Most of the time, lumps are benign. You may also notice changes in softness, tenderness or swelling. This may be related to your menstruation cycle. But if you notice any permanent change, visit a gynaecologist immediately.
Enlarged breasts are a human peculiarity
Humans are the only species on this world to have permanently enlarged breasts. Primates only get an enlarged breast when they are feeding their offspring. Once, they are done with this, the size goes back to normal. But, on the other hand, a woman’s breasts start getting bigger with the onset of puberty. This is something even the medical community has been unable to explain.
More than 2 nipples are not uncommon
Don’t hit the panic button if you see a third nipple or even a fourth on your body. This is very normal. In fact, the medical term for this is polythelia. Apparently, 1 in 18 men and 1 in 50 women have this condition. Most people mistake this for a mole. It can appear anywhere from your chest to underarm to stomach.
Pain is normal during exercise
When you exercise, your breasts move up and down and swing sideways too. This can cause pain and discomfort. In fact, a research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine says that one in three female marathon runners is likely to suffer breast pain (mastalgia) during the course of the event. Women with larger cup sizes seem to be more susceptible, but childless women also seem to be more prone, and wearing a sports bra doesn’t always help, say researchers.