PAS-Umno at the hilt of hypocrisy
THERE are many games in politics that display and convince it is always about the people they serve.

That is an open secret. The players usually know the rules of the game and would not be fouled out easily, in order to survive.
But who would have guessed that the Umno-PAS breed would have disgraced themselves so openly, without weighing the consequences.
Surely, there is a limit to hypocrisy, selfishness and greed, one would have thought.
But no – what we saw yesterday is a great example of what Umno-PAS is made of.
Twenty-eight opposition MPs ganged up against welfare aid for the needy when they voted against the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry’s budget.
These people just two weeks ago went into many Tg Piai homes to conduct checks on blood pressure and glucose levels of the residents to “show their concern”.
And so, winning the hearts and minds of the Tg Piai folk with such an admirable show.
How sincere was all that award-winning “play”, cleverly choreographed by the politicians?
We also have those with veils and headgears who have no qualms saying no to helping the needy.
What happened here? Did they not understand what fardhu kifayah is all about, or did their personal agenda take away all reasoning beyond belief?
Strange that PAS failed to remind them of their religious obligations.
In fact, three of them from PAS, the Islamist party, also voted against the bill.
If Umno-PAS does not see the value in helping the sick and the poor in their own constituencies, then they should explain to their voters about their vote.
What’s the real objective behind this plot?
Perhaps, they have never lived with a sick child or a sick parent to know how much special milk, diapers, and frequent hospital trips cost. Never mind the emotional strain.
Perhaps they are too smart to know that when a child is sick, one parent has to stop working to care for the child.
That would mean halving the household income and tightening the belt. Never mind not knowing how to make ends meet.
Perhaps they are too busy campaigning that they do not realise there are children in the remote areas who cannot undergo their cancer treatments in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital, because their parents simply cannot afford the transport cost.
Never mind that their lives are cheap and they eventually die within 12 months.
When one is too busy debating in Dewan Rakyat, day in and day out, and one’s tummy is too full to be concerned with other people’s problems and welfare, selfishness and greed will be the order of the day, every day.
So, Tg Piai is taken with more than 15,000 votes. You’ve won the right to gloat, they say. And just like that, it has gotten to your head already?
What will happen if the people voted for you again?
I dread to think. – November 29, 2019.
* Sairana Mohd Saad reads The Malaysian Insight.
* This is the opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight.