TNPSC archaeological officer recruitment: Check how to apply, salary up to Rs 1.14 lakh
TNPSC archaeological officer: A total of 18 posts are to be filled through this recruitment drive. Candidates will have have to clear the paper I and II scheduled to be conducted on February 29.
by Careers DeskTNPSC archaeological officer: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has invited applications for the post of archaeological officer in the archaeology department in Tamil Nadu General Subordinate Services. The applications are open and will be closed on December 27 at tnpsc.gov.in.
A total of 18 posts are to be filled through this recruitment drive. Candidates will have to clear the paper I and II scheduled to be conducted on February 29. Paper I which will be subject-specific will be held from 10 am to 1 pm and paper II which will be on general studies will be held from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
TNPSC archaeological officer: Eligibility
Age: Applicant should be at least 18 years of age to be eligible to apply. The upper age is capped at 30 years for general category candidates, however, there is no upper age limit for candidates belonging to reserved category.
Education: Applicant must possess an M.A. degree in ancient history and archaeology or in archaeology and should have passed Tamil as one of the subjects at degree level.
TNPSC archaeological officer: Exam pattern
The paper I will be of three hours duration. It will have 200 questions for 300 marks on ancient history and archaeology/archaeology, Indian history, history and Tamil language and literature. Candidates need to pick one of these subjects. Questions will be asked at the PG level.
Paper II will have 100 questions for 200 marks. It will be a two-hour-long exam. Of the total, 75 questions will be on degree-level education from aptitude and mental ability test while 25 questions will be of SSLC standard.
Of the total 500, candidates need to score 200 marks to qualify, for reserve category students, it is 150 marks.
TNPSC archaeological officer: How to apply
Step 1: Visit the official website, tnpsc.gov.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on ‘apply online’
Step 3: Click on ‘one-time registration and dashboard’
Step 4: Click on ‘new user’ if you have not registered before or log-in directly
Step 5: Click on ‘new user’, fill details and verify to create registration id
Step 6: Log-in using the registration number
Step 7: Fill form, upload images
Step 8: Make payment
TNPSC archaeological officer: Fee
Candidates need to pay a registration fee of Rs 150. The one-time registration will be valid for five years. Applicants will also have to pay an exam fee of Rs 100. Reserved category candidates are exempted from paying the exam fee.
TNPSC archaeological officer: Salary
Selected candidates will be hired at the salary of Rs 36,200- Rs 1,14,800.