Unannounced game from Capcom will be playable on December 21st at Jump Fiesta 2020
by John PapadopoulosAn unannounced game from Capcom will be playable at this year’s Jump Fiesta event. This event begins on December 21st and ends on December 22nd. Moreover, this event is after The Video Games Awards 2019, in which Capcom may reveal Resident Evil 3 Remake.
Do note that the RE3 Remake announcement at the VGA2019 is mere speculation and nothing more at this point. We’ve heard from a lot of sources that Capcom targets a 2020/2021 release, so it would make sense to announce the game during this event.
The other Capcom games that will be playable at Jump Fiesta 2020 are: Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Surprisingly enough, the Resident Evil multiplayer spin-off game may not be playable at Jump Fiesta 2020.
We’ll be sure to keep you posted, so stay tuned for more!
Thanks Ryokutya2089