Changes to festive bin collections announced - here's who is affected
Thousands of households will see changes
by Gareth ButterfieldThousands of families living in the Derbyshire Dales will be seeing a change to their bin collections over Christmas and New Year , the council has announced.
Derbyshire Dales District Council's kerbside collections will be affected by Christmas and New Year's Day working schedules, and the authority says only households with a Monday or Tuesday collection will not see any changes.
All other households will have to work to a slightly altered schedule over the festive fortnight, and in most cases bins will need to put out one day later than usual.
However, if your bins are collected on Wednesdays, and would usually be picked up on Christmas Day itself, you will have to put your bin out early, ready for collection on Saturday, December 21.
The District Council’s contractor Serco will not be collecting on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, but will be working extra days on
the December Saturdays 21 and 28 and again on January 4.
The council has also said that no additional household waste will be collected, so they will need to make sure all their household waste is contained
in their grey bin with the lid shut, or, for homes on a sack collection, in no more than four standard-sized black sacks.
A District Council spokesperson said: “Residents should limit the amount of household waste they put out, but we are always happy to take excess recycling.

"All we ask is that any additional material is left at the side of recycling containers, making sure it is easily identifiable and suitably
“We recommend using transparent containers, such as stacker boxes, rather than black bags, so we can easily identify the contents, and ask that any excess card, paper and magazines are separated from other excess recycling.
"Cardboard must be flattened and broken down into smaller pieces no wider than 0.5m to fit in the recycling compartment of our trucks.”
Food waste collections will continue to happen weekly and recycling collections fortnightly, and the spokesperson added: “This year local people are recycling an additional 19 tonnes of food waste every month after responding to our appeal to use your food caddies more, and that is great news.
“That’s the equivalent of 19 elephants-worth of extra food waste going to a reprocessing facility in Ashbourne monthly and being turned into compost,
which is sold back to the public through garden centres, local household waste recycling centres and used in agriculture.”
To help prioritise household waste and recycling collections at this busy time of year, all garden waste collections are suspended from Saturday, December 21 December until Saturday, January 4.
Every household in the district received a Christmas and New Year collections timetable in the October issue of the District Council’s Dales Matters
publication, and a collection calendar is also available to view or download online at www.derbyshiredales.gov.uk/mycollection